Kenia OS

Kenia Guadalupe Flores Osuna, better known in the digital world as Kenia Os, was born in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico on July 15, 1999. In 2018 she emerged as a singer by opening her channel "K Os" and releasing her first singles titled "Por Siempre" and "Bonita" which have more than 138 million. Throughout 2019 she continues with solo releases, thus adding more than 165 million reproductions in different digital media. In 2020, Kenia Os becomes one of the most promising Mexican singers of her generation, releasing numerous singles, including "Cócteles", a song that currently has more than 75 million combined reproductions on different digital platforms, earning different awards and nominations such as such as: MTV Miaw, Kids Choice Awards, Eliot Awards, Heat Awards, Tú Awards, Eres Awards, Like Brasil Awards, among others. At the end of 2020, Kenia Os makes its debut with its first EP entitled "Canciones Pa´mi Ex. VL1" which was among the 10 best albums by female artists of 2020 in Latin America. She has numerous collaborations with artists national and International artists including; Leon Leiden and Ghetto Kids, Thalia, CNCO, Bruses, and Ha Ash, among others. Finally, after signing with Sony Music, in 2022, Kenia released her debut album “Cambios de Luna” which debuted at #6 globally on the Top Chart, being the highest debut by a Mexican Artist, consolidating her as one of the most relevant musical promises in Latin America.