PitbullParty After Dark Tour
Premium tickets, backstage tour and photo op on-stage, pre-show VIP lounge, specially designed VIP gift item & more!
VIP Packages
Each Front Row VIP Package includes:
- One premium reserved ticket in the front row*
- Access to an intimate backstage tour with group photo opportunity on-stage**
- Invitation to the pre-show Voli305 VIP Lounge including:
- Signature Voli305 cocktail or mocktail (2 drink tickets included)***
- Light snacks and sweets
- Photobooth and more!
- Official VIP Lounge laminate
- Specially designed Pitbull VIP gift item
- Pre-show merchandise shopping before the general public
- Photo opportunity in front of the VIP backdrop to commemorate your evening**
- Designated VIP check-in and on site staff
*Locations may vary by venue, see specific date for details.
**No artist participation.
***Local liquor laws apply.
Each Gold VIP Package includes:
- One premium reserved ticket in the first 12*
- Invitation to the pre-show Voli305 VIP Lounge including:
- Signature Voli305 cocktail or mocktail (2 drink tickets included)**
- Light snacks and sweets
- Photobooth and more!
- Official VIP Lounge laminate
- Specially designed Pitbull VIP gift item
- Pre-show merchandise shopping before the general public
- Photo opportunity in front of the VIP backdrop to commemorate your evening***
- Designated VIP check-in and on site staff
*Locations may vary by venue, see specific date for details.
**Local liquor laws apply.
***No artist participation.
Each Silver VIP Package includes:
- One premium reserved ticket*
- Commemorative VIP laminate
- Specially designed Pitbull VIP gift item
- Designated VIP check-in and on site staff
*Locations may vary by venue, see specific date for details.
New Year's Eve
Each NYE Front Row VIP Package includes:
- One premium reserved ticket in the front row*
- Access to an intimate backstage tour with group photo opportunity on-stage**
- Exclusive access to the pre-show NYE Voli305 VIP Cocktail party including:
- Signature Voli305 cocktail or mocktail (2 drink tickets included)***
- Carving Station & dessert bar
- Photobooth and more!
- One New Year’s Eve VIP laminate
- One exclusive VIP New Year’s Eve swag bag
- Specially designed Pitbull VIP gift item
- Pre-show merchandise shopping before the general public
- Photo opportunity in front of the VIP backdrop to commemorate your evening**
- Designated VIP check-in and on site staff
*Locations may vary by venue, see specific date for details.
**No artist participation.
***Local liquor laws apply.
Each NYE Gold VIP Package includes:
- One premium reserved ticket in the first 12 rows*
- Exclusive access to the pre-show NYE Voli305 VIP Cocktail party including:
- Signature Voli305 cocktail or mocktail (2 drink tickets included)***
- Light snacks and sweets
- Photobooth and more!
- One New Year’s Eve VIP laminate
- One exclusive VIP New Year’s Eve swag bag
- Specially designed Pitbull VIP gift item
- Pre-show merchandise shopping before the general public
- Photo opportunity in front of the VIP backdrop to commemorate your evening***
- Designated VIP check-in and on site staff
*Locations may vary by venue, see specific date for details.
**Local liquor laws apply.
***No artist participation.
Each NYE Silver VIP Package includes:
- One premium reserved ticket*
- One New Year’s Eve VIP laminate
- Specially designed Pitbull VIP gift item
- Designated VIP check-in and on site staff
*Locations may vary by venue, see specific date for details.